
Sewer cleaning in the city of Dunaharaszti

Many still use their former names today, it is simply called "Haraszti" after the capital 17 km from Dunaharasztit. Excellent transportation, and thanks to its many job opportunities, the city plays an important role in the agglomeration belonging to Dél-Pest. We must not forget the proximity of the Danube either, amely az áradások miatt esetenként problémákat is okozhat az itt élőknek.

From the Bronze Age to the Avars

The first memories of Dunaharaszti come from long before our era. Archaeological excavations prove it, that people lived here already in the Bronze Age, in fact, researches have also found gold finds in some places.

A couple of millennia later, the Romans also used the area. The world-conquering people castrum, that is, an ancient military camp was built in the strategically important place. Presumably by order of Emperor Diocletian, a 3. century, the Contra Aquincum was created, which was built south of the settlement of the same name, and already showed the shrinking of the territory of the huge empire. Which happened barely two centuries later: After the decline of the Roman Empire, the Huns were the first to do so, then the Goths, illetve az avarok kezére került a terület.

A royal estate - with changing owners

As are many other settlements in the region, the area of ​​Dunaharaszti also belonged to the accommodation of the occupying Hungarians. During the time of the Árpád kings, the settlement became part of the Csepel Island royal estate. True, that its owners often changed. The first documented mention of the settlement in 13. known from the end of the century, which was about the Haraszti forest located at the border of Taksony.

The area of ​​Haraszti continued to develop until the age of Turkish subjugation, however, by the 1590s it had declined significantly due to the high taxes introduced by the conquerors. The recapture of Hungary did not favor its inhabitants either, since a plague epidemic broke out during the Rákóczi war of independence.

A 18. At the same time, from the second half of the century, the city began to boom. For example, this is when the beekeeping industry was born, amelynek emlékét a mai napig őrzi a Dunaharaszti címerében látható méhkas.

Modern city - with lively tourism

The HÉV of Ráckeve made a big change in the life of the settlement, as well as the railway reported. With that, that Haraszti is direct, received a fixed track connection to the capital, it has become very attractive for businesses and those who want to relax. A 20. during the 20th century, the city therefore developed vigorously, with the exception of the era of the two world wars. The settlement's infrastructure began to be developed on a large scale from the 1970s: That's when the piped water was built, most of the gas and electricity network.

After the regime change, Dunaharaszti economic- and his social life were both invigorated. Because of the proximity of the MO highway, and due to the construction of sewerage, its infrastructure continued to develop, therefore, many companies (pl. Coca Cola, P&About etc.) settled here, offering so many job opportunities to the people living here. Dinamikus fejlődésének köszönhetően Dunaharaszti a 2000-es évtől kezdve városi rangot kaphatott.

Professional sewer cleaning service in the city of Dunaharaszti!

Our company provides efficient and long-term effective sewer cleaning services for all its customers in Dunaharaszti and its region. If blockage, you have experienced flooding or any sewer-related problems in your home, then feel free to call us at 06/20-318-1614 24/7, and you can also call our phone number on weekends. please, hogy munkatársunkkal való beszélgetése során részletesen írja le a blockage keletkezésének idejét, place, as well as the presumed cause.

Our employees after reporting the problem 40-60 they can start cleaning the drains in your home within minutes, but of course from the time of day of arrival, and may vary depending on the workload of our colleagues. Our company is located next to the city of Dunaharaszti in the capital, and undertakes the professional solution of sewer-related problems in more than forty agglomeration settlements.

Drain problems: Frequently Asked Questions

How to clean a greasy drain?2023-05-24T09:27:47+02:00

Cleaning greased drains often involves the use of degreasing agents, to remove grease and oil from the drain wall. Using hot water can also help dissolve the grease and make it easier to drain.

How to clean a clogged drain at home?2023-05-24T09:27:00+02:00

Cleaning clogged drains at home often involves household products, for example, using baking soda and vinegar, to unclog. Also, different drain cleaning tools, such as the drain cleaning spiral, can also be useful.

How to clean a kitchen drain?2023-05-24T09:25:53+02:00

Cleaning the kitchen drain is important for grease, to remove oil and food residues, which can cause clogging. Regular cleaning helps prevent drain clogging and unpleasant odors. A combination of baking powder and hot water can be effective in dissolving grease and oil.

Why does water come back from the drain?2023-05-24T09:25:15+02:00

If the water comes back through the drain, it indicates that, that there is a blockage somewhere in the pipe system. This problem often occurs in the sink or bathroom, where water cannot flow freely through the pipes. Baking soda is a great natural cleaner, which helps dissolve grease and oil down the drain. Simply sprinkle a cup of baking soda down the drain, then pour a cup of hot water over it, and leave it on for a few minutes, before rinsing.

Why does water come up in the floor drain?2023-05-24T09:24:34+02:00

This problem usually occurs when, when the floor drain gets clogged, and the water cannot drain. This is often dirt that accumulates in the floor drain, such as hair, it occurs due to soap and other substances. The drain cleaning tools, such as the drain cleaning spiral, can be helpful in this process.

Why does water come back from the drain?2023-05-24T09:23:50+02:00

If the water comes back through the drain, it indicates, that there is a blockage somewhere in the pipe system. This problem often occurs in the sink or bathroom, where water cannot flow freely through the pipes. Liquid drain cleaners are commercial products, which are specially designed for cleaning drains. These products often contain harsh chemicals, which dissolve fat, oil and food residue down the drain.

Why is the water draining slowly from the shower tray??2023-05-24T09:23:13+02:00

This problem is often the hair, it forms due to the accumulation of soap and other substances in the shower drain. These substances slow down the flow of water, and can eventually cause clogging. Salt can help unclog the blockage. Sprinkle a cup of salt down the drain, then pour a cup of hot water over it, and leave it on for a few minutes, before rinsing.

Why is the water not draining in the sink??2023-05-24T09:16:04+02:00

This problem usually occurs when, when food remains, grease or oil accumulates in the drain, which blocks the path of water. This can cause clogging over time, which prevents water from draining. We can use baking powder to solve this problem. Simply sprinkle a cup of baking powder down the drain, then pour a cup of hot water over it, and leave it on for a few minutes, before rinsing.

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